Desktop Virtualization: Overcoming Five Real-World Challenges
This paper explores the most significant hurdles any desktop virtualization program needs to overcome - from solving overseas partners' network latency problems to getting the Mac in the Graphics department on the Corporate accounting system. Learn how to overcome the hurdles in this paper.
Citrix XenDesktop vs. VMware View - Technical Differentiators
This technical session covers the architecture of XenDesktop 3. You will learn about the key technical advantages of XenDesktop over other virtual desktop products. Topics of discussion include user experience, bandwidth consumption, scalability, reference architecture, open architecture support, flexible delivery methods and application virtualization.
Cost Savings with Centralized Virtual Desktops
This white paper explores the current cost of PC management which has been well-documented by industry experts, how VDI can significantly reduce operational costs, and how TCO can vary depending on industry and user requirements. Get the details in this paper.